Individual Risk Management

Home Services Individual Risk Management Individual Risk Management Risk is more than a popular board game, it is the exposure to danger or loss. It can manifest in organisations as market, credit or operational risks. Individuals are also not exempt from risks such...

Employee Benefits Planning

Home Services Employee Benefits Planning Employee Benefits Planning The greatest asset of a company is none other than the employees. They are the backbone of any organization. In order to retain your best employees, employee satisfaction is very important. As simply...

Corporate Risk Management

Home Services Corporate Risk Management Corporate Risk Management Starting a business can be a very rewarding endeavor. At the same time, it is also very challenging and risky. No one is exempted from risk and this applies to businesses as well, regardless of the...


Home Services Accounting Related Taxation Taxation For all companies incorporated in Singapore, there are two main tax obligations that a company might be subjected to and is required to file with the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS). They are the...

Corporate Secretary

Home Services Corporate Secretary Corporate Secretary In accordance with the Singapore Companies Act, every company is required to appoint a Corporate Secretary within six months of incorporating a company. A company secretary acts an officer of your firm and will...

Company Incorporation

Home Services Accounting Related Company Incorporation Company Incorporation Setting up a new business is always an exciting time but can sometimes be overwhelming. You may be faced with unfamiliar terminology which you could not understand. Following are brief...